Export to PNG

The PNG export functionality is located in the platform specific libraries (OxyPlot.Wpf, OxyPlot.WindowsForms). Note that PNG export is not yet supported on all platforms.

Write to a stream

var stream = new MemoryStream();
var pngExporter = new PngExporter { Width = 600, Height = 400, Background = OxyColors.White };
pngExporter.Export(plotModel, stream);

Write to a file

var pngExporter = new PngExporter { Width = 600, Height = 400, Background = OxyColors.White };
pngExporter.ExportToFile(plotModel, fileName);

Copy to the clipboard

Warning: Calling the ExportToBitmap method often in a very short period may result in high memory usage.

var pngExporter = new PngExporter { Width = 600, Height = 400, Background = OxyColors.White };
var bitmap = pngExporter.ExportToBitmap(plotModel);